Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal playing guitar
Steven Seagal is an actor, aikido martial artist, Chinese herbalist, movie producer, Buddhist Lama, fashion icon, reggae singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He broke Sean Connery’s wrist while teaching him martial arts during the filming of the 1983 James Bond movie Never Say Never Again.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of The Year Award

Tom Cruise is the winner of The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of 2006 Award.

In an April 2006 interview with GQ conducted while his wife Katie Holmes was pregnant, Tom Cruise said, “I’m going to eat the placenta.” Four months later, Paramount ended its 14 year relationship with Cruise’s production company. We’re not surprised.

Donald Trump

Donald TrumpThe Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of The Year Award
Donald Trump is a real estate developer and currently has a net worth of $2.9 billion. In 2004, he became the host of his own reality game show The Apprentice and filed a trademark application for the phrase “You’re fired.”

Donald Trump is the winner of The Paunch Stevenson Show Lame Idiot of 2012 Award.


On February 4, 2007, Prince performed at the Super Bowl XLI halftime show in Miami, Florida, despite the fact that his music and appearance are the complete opposite of what most football fans are into.