Welcome to The Paunch Stevenson Show, Introduce yourself!

Welcome to the Paunch Stevenson Show!

Hello and welcome to The Paunch Stevenson Show. Feel free to post comments about the show or anything silly, stupid, frustrating, etc.

Please introduce yourself in the comments section below, too! Enjoy the show and thanks for listening.

21 Replies to “Welcome to The Paunch Stevenson Show, Introduce yourself!”

  1. Hey greg, its me, Eric, I lived next door to you for years, I’m sure you can think of something for me and Rossi!!!!!! Make fun of us or something, plus excellent news as I am spreading the word of paunchsteveson.com to everyone in my frat as long as everyone I know.

  2. Hi Frank, thanks for listening to the show, for posting a message, and for the compliment!

    You are the Alexander Graham Bell of podcasting. If it weren’t for all of your hard work and greatness on The Overnightscape, we would not have been inspired to do The Paunch Stevenson Show.

  3. Dear Greg,

    This is it, if I am not mentioned in your show within the next two episodes, I will never listen again. I am the one that told Eric and Bustard about your show, yet I am not mentioned. I am bringing people to your audience and I get nothing. You barely know Bustard, but he is mentioned on your show.

    Let it be known, if I am not mentioned on your show, your listener audience will drop significantly, or I will punch Rob and yourself in the jaw.



  4. Hi Joe,

    Welcome! Are you a friend of Eric’s?

    Don’t worry, we will definitely mention you in episode 13. Do you have anything specific you want us to say? Are there any celebrities you hate or any words that annoy you? Do you know any psychos we can talk about?

    Thanks for spreading the word about The Paunch Stevenson Show and getting people to listen!

  5. Paunch Stevenson, my very new special friend!!!

    Me likes him very much.

    I eated a bowl of my favorite noodles as me
    listens to Paunch Stevenson.
    Please say hi and blessings to all my friends and eat well!

    Most pleasure



  6. Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hear mi name on TV Radio Paunchswevenso SHOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HAPPY PLUS!!!!! :)

    Eat well!!!!!!!!!!!!



  7. Say mee again!!!!!!!

    SAY MEI AGAIN!!!!!!!!

    I LIEK YOUR VOICE SAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    GET FAT!!!


  8. Italy Vino, Italy Vino

    I tried to spam this message board and pretend it had to do with wine, but the administrator edited my post.

  9. Ciò suona più come un whiner gli ha redatto allora un annuncio del vino. =(This sounds more like a whiner wrote it then a wine ad) but sounded more romantic in Italian didn’t it?


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