49 Replies to “Steven Seagal”

  1. hello steve??? i’m your big fan!!! i always watch your movies, i have lots of DVDs of your movies. i love you steven!!! i’m also a combat aikido, i’m still white belt

  2. Hi! I just want to say you are one of my role models and if wishes were true I wish to see you before I die. You are an inspiration. looking forward to your next movie.. I didn’t know you sing Reggae. You’re cool Dude. xx

  3. Steven Seagal is the biggest (literally) boss in the world. Guitar, wrist breaking, unbeliavably thought provoking one liners, and those jowles… Frank Hatt, you should be ashamed of yourself for being so in the dark.

  4. Aqui é Marli Maria de Menezes Freires

    Oi Stiven Seagal. Aqui é uma fã sua de muito tempo.
    Eu quero te dizer que eu gosto muito de você, e quero que você me dê resposta desse meu contato.Por vavor.

  5. Steven is the real deal.
    In an increasingly evil world he’s just one of lifes nice people.
    To the likes of the Frank Hatts of this world I say just this: Just try it sometime, you might actually like it.

  6. Hi Mr. Seagal, just want to say LOVE your movies,looking forward seeing your next movie,would like to meet you begfore I die you”re the BEST!!!!!!

  7. Hello Mr. Seagal! I just want to say that you are a great martial artist for me….I saw a documentary about you at youtube and your students said a great deal about you sir………and I believe those are all true……..I am a karate-ka and I really want to learn aikido. And if it’s possible, I would like to learn from you…..someday

  8. Wow everyone Im a fan of Steven but really? are we as humans going to sit on our computers day by day telling eachother off? Steven is awesome yes but theres no reason to get angry at eachother. :P

  9. I thank you are doing a good job keep it up. You don’t know me but in Memphis i pick you up and took you home and back to the air port a few times.

  10. I saw the Steven Seagal biography and was very interested in his guitar playing, especially his snakeskin guitar strap. My boyfriend also plays guitar. I would love to get a similar guitar strap for him for Christmas. Do you know where I could find one like it?
    Thank you
    Karen 262 347-182
    W276 S8825 Hidden Lakes Dr.
    Mukwonago, WI 53140

    PS: If there is a store or dealer ship anywhere in Wisconsin or Chicago area I would appreciate the information, or any website or catalog selling this item, please inform me.

  11. Steven, You are GREAT, I love your show and your attitude. You look great too. I am totally impressed with your accomplishments.

  12. We are all born to change, also with good and evil tendencies, how will you deal with growing older, and what will you nurture and strengthen, your good or your evil? Steven has accomplished much good and fought well against the evil, he has much more than just my respect.

  13. I love to have a poster of him . He is so fine and I want to say thank God.he an lawman .I love all his movies . wish I all of them but only a few. my GOD BLESS HIM AND HIS FAMILY . GOD IS WITH YTOU .

  14. Hehe. This is a nasty picture, he needs to start taking care of himself, he doesn’t look good. Now, here’s a funny thing: all I know about Mr Segal is I saw a couple of movies with him. That’s all. Now, and for some reason I really dislike the guy. I understand I have no reasons for this whatsover, and yet… go figure. Does he give off negative vibes? Why would I hate him? A mystery. He’s probably a nice gent.

  15. Oh yeah, the reason I’m here is that I just read about this strange lawsuit against him by this assistant. And just to demonstrate the point further, the first thought that occurred to me after reading the report was, Aha! Now, let’s be reasonable: it’s probably all lies. But my first impluse was to believe the accusations absolutely.

  16. So negative…….. When you’ve made as much money or have accmplished as much as
    Mr. Segal has in a life time then you can sit back and gripe. He’s a great actor. Love all
    your movies and what you have accomplished in your career. Go Ahead!!!!!!


  18. Dear Steven,
    I have been watching your movies ever since Above the law came out. I volunteer in my childs school as the parent representative and end up helping many parents that are in need but as a result of my work in giving of my heart as you often do I get ssi and will not be able to make Christmas happen 3 daughters 2 of which are teenagers and 3 grandchildren ages 1-6 . Can you help me in anyway they have never had a christmas that left them speachless . All the others left them dreaming of what next year would bring. They all love your movies and think your are great. Oh; FYI we dont think of you as a sex symbol, my grandsons and I see you as a symbol of Peace, Dignity and respeact for all you come in contact with.

  19. hello steve i’m your big fan!!! i always watch your movies, i have lots of DVDs of your movies. i love you steven!!!

  20. Your are my Boss.
    Keep on making film Boss! we are waiting.
    You are the only guy who can do ,you have multi skill.
    You are so good.
    could you please send me the picture of you Mom and Dad with you?
    Thanks Boss.

  21. Hello Mr Seagal… I`m your big fan…great actor, humility please send me picture !!! Thanks bless you…

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